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Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:48 am
by Murph
no way

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:54 am
by parry
Every chance i get.
I immediately blurt out that my guitar is vintage as soon as anyone says "hello" and pretend to be all defensive of it by swinging my arms about, creating an imaginary protective area around it.
I also pass myself off as Elvis Costello.
If someone doesn't believe me I point to the signature on the back of my headstock.
PROOF! :ph34r:

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:58 pm
by JMFan
hansonparry wrote:Every chance i get.
I immediately blurt out that my guitar is vintage as soon as anyone says "hello" and pretend to be all defensive of it by swinging my arms about, creating an imaginary protective area around it.
I also pass myself off as Elvis Costello.
If someone doesn't believe me I point to the signature on the back of my headstock.
Oh you have the Elvis Costello signature JM. I've tried those out before. In photos the finish is not that great looking but in person for some reason it's a great looking finish.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:09 pm
by tonewoods
JMFan wrote: But do you for kicks pass your relic off as a real vintage guitar?
I usually just say "I dunno what it is", and then see if they can find the "tells"...
Usually not... ;)

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:23 pm
by fullerplast
No.... guitar people will know and non-guitar people won't care.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:36 pm
by JMFan
fullerplast wrote:No.... guitar people will know and non-guitar people won't care.
That's a great point you make. non-guitar people have no interest or know what the heck a vintage guitar means and guitar people who are in the know, know if it is real or not. But someone in the OSG Forums said that this Dano guy here makes perfect copies of vintage guitars. Does he make them to the point one can't tell, even one who knows a lot about guitars?

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:39 pm
by sookwinder
I am both over 50 and have relic'd myself to look over 50 ... so people know I'm old without having to ask :D

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:30 pm
by Longwheelbass
Relicing yourself is the best answer yet...nice job Sook...
I have built so many mutilated one-offs, most people ask "what's that?" when they see my Jazzmaster baritone, my JM VI Bass etc. I just tell them I found it in a garage sale....but when they see my LPB 68 Tele relic I always tell em it's real and then they want to know how much it's worth...when I say 10 grand the girls want to sleep with me and the guys just think I'm some kind of super cool axe guru....
The only thing with relics is that they have come about because collectors in business suits who wish they could rock have bought all the original relics and pushed the prices out of us real musicians' reach...
There are far more important issues on the planet, so if you can make a relic look convincing - good on you - you should consider making funny money - coz relicking geetars aint ever gonna make you rich!

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:14 pm
by mrrazorblade227
I might just to dick with someone, but I'd tell them the truth after gauging their reaction lol

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:20 am
by Johnny Z
sookwinder wrote:I am both over 50 and have relic'd myself to look over 50 ... so people know I'm old without having to ask


My Relic is kind of worn out after 60 years, most of those chassing girls, things don't work as well any more and I'm a tad slower. But I can still pass myself off as a 40 something. Maybe I'm a reverse Relic with some worn out parts.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:54 am
by natthu
hansonparry wrote:...I also pass myself off as Elvis Costello.
If someone doesn't believe me I point to the signature on the back of my headstock.
I am also Elvis Costello (and so is my guitar ;) )

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:26 am
by andrewdoeshair
I'm too proud of my work to give away the credit (to "time" in this case). Same reason I won't put the F logo on my guitars. I'm glad to tell people what it actually is.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:37 am
by letson
fullerplast wrote:No.... guitar people will know and non-guitar people won't care.

so true.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:42 am
by empyrean
I don't even think it's about "Vintage" in a lot of the cases. I think people just enjoy looking like they've played the shit out of a guitar even if they haven't. As someone before said, guitar people will know that it isn't a vintage guitar if it's a modern one, but they might be fooled by a good relic into thinking that you've toured the world with it and it has some good stories to tell.

I'm in the opposite boat as I have a '97 strat with a maple fretboard that has been worn down considerably naturally. It's knobs are all cracked and yellowed, the fretboard is peeling and it's dented and worn all over, but it's just been played to hell and has been around the world with me. People who don't know any better think it's vintage and always ask me how I got it and are very confused when I tell them it's only a late 90's guitar. Guitar guys come up to me and say "You've heard of guitar polish right?" :P But they're always interested in how it looks so old and I just tell 'em - I play it everyday and I never babied it.

But yeah, I think it's more about the story than passing it off as a rare vintage instrument, and I think we often confuse the two.


Doesn't really show the wear on the top side an back, but you get the idea.

Re: Do You Pass Your Relic Off As True Vintage?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:45 am
by HNB
fullerplast wrote:No.... guitar people will know and non-guitar people won't care.
I would agree with this. +1