CS VI action

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PAT. # 2.972.923
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CS VI action

Post by woster » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:56 am

Hi all,

A quick question for the Bass VI owners around here. Yesterday I quickly played a CS Bass VI in a guitar shop for the first time in my life. It was great, but the action was so high I found it quite hard to play. If I remember correctly, the strings were about 8 mm to 1 cm high at the 12th fret. Is that normal?

I ordered my CS VI a couple of months ago, and it should arrive in about 3 weeks. I can't wait, but also I'm a bit worried now about that action thing. I'm a bit of a sissy when it comes to high action, and a like my strings low. Is that at all possible with the CS VI?

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Re: CS VI action

Post by mezcalhead » Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:42 am

1cm under the string at the 12th fret seems very high to me; I'm sure they can get a lower action than that.

I see you're in Europe; I'm in the UK and all the Fender CS guitars arrive at the local shop with a set up, in their words, "like a bag of spanners". That's not necessarily the fault of the CS, there's probably a lot of settling and temperature changes that occur during shipping.

Furthermore, a lot of stores don't set up guitars when they arrive, and quite a few techs don't know how to set up offsets well anyway; there are a few little differences compared to the usual strat/les paul set ups.

So I wouldn't worry, I'm sure it can be sorted.
Distance-crunching honcho with echo unit.

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Re: CS VI action

Post by woster » Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:44 am

I guess you're right about the setup thing. I heard that CS VI's (and probably loads of other guitars) are transported to Europe by boat. That can take weeks, so there's a lot of time for the factory setup to deteriorate.

I didn't ask the shop owner about the setup yesterday. I was in a bit of a hurry, and the staff didn't seem very friendly towards costumers anyway. Btw, they want €2800 (=$3745) for it  :o  http://www.justmusic.nl/site/index.php? ... ts&id=3452 I'm glad a ordered mine for a lot less.

Thanks a lot for taking my worries away  :)

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