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can someone explain the whole fender extension cab thing?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:08 am
by s_mcsleazy
so over the years i've seen various folk say "don't use the extension cab output on old fender amps" and i've always wondered why this is the case. i'm going into the studio soon and was considering running bassman with my marshall 4x12 (8ohm) and my usual fane loaded 4x12 (also 8 ohms). the head runs at 4ohms, right? is it how the OT is wired up?

Re: can someone explain the whole fender extension cab thing?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:12 pm
by øøøøøøø
Speaker and ext speaker jacks are wired in parallel.

Main speaker jack defaults to "short" when nothing is plugged in.

Generally speaking, if your amp wants to see 4 ohms, it can tolerate 2 ohms with no problem.

If you plug in two 8 ohm cabs to a Fender amp head that wants to see 4 ohms total load, you'll be presenting it with an optimal load.