Correctly micing a Fender Twin Reverb

Get that song on tape! Errr... disk?
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Re: Correctly micing a Fender Twin Reverb

Post by øøøøøøø » Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:31 am

any of the above about $300 street. Maybe a little less used. M88 or SM7 can sometimes get down around the 240, 250 range used. RE20 can sometimes dip even as low as about 175, 200 used.

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Re: Correctly micing a Fender Twin Reverb

Post by nik » Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:56 pm

i found the best way to mic a twin reverb for rec and shows is with a beta 57 a quarter inch from the mesh, and about an inch or two to the side from center cone. This will change depending on your tone. As far as getting more bass, turn your bass knob up.

here is my step by step to mic any amp with an shure 57:

1. tilt amp back so it is aiming at your face
2. turn up to desired volume
3. adjust your eq and effects
4. find the center cone by putting a flash light right up to the mesh
5. put masking tape right above center cone.
6. set up your mic pointing directly at center cone, a quarter inch from the mesh
7. rec an E chord
8. move the mic one inch to the side, rec an E chord, and repeat this process until you are at the edge of the cone
9. listen to the recordings and find the one you like best then set up your mic in that position
10. use masking tape to mark an L on the amp mesh, around the mic, and you are ready to record and are more stage ready for the next time you gig.

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