Friends, family, and other board members...
Moderating this site is not the hardest of affairs. Most people are fairly well-behaved, which I guess is a sign of good parenting. Go tell your mom I said so.
Most of the things we have to do is fairly tedious and stupid shit, like pointing people towards the board rules. One particular thing that comes up quite a lot is the signature issue. I just noticed quite a lot of people presently have sigs that don't comply with the board rules. And rather than PMing everyone separately, I thought it might be more efficient if I just posted a general housekeeping message here.
Please do us a favour and review the rules, see if your sig is in compliance, and if not change it so it is. This may seem fairly anal, but really, it's just to keep the site as clean-looking as possible.
Thanks in advance,
4. Signatures must be no more than two lines, may not contain images of any type, use any colors other then the defaults, or contain any link to websites personal or otherwise. Violators will have their signature deleted and/or have their right to use a signature taken away.