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Weird Piano Part Request

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:17 pm
by seenoevil II

So, there are these people in Kigali Rwanda who have been trying to build the first ever all-african piano.

They've been at it for years. I found out about them through a story NPR did on them a few years ago. Somehow though, their YouTube channel has only 28 subscribers.

They've recently run into a dead end in sourcing a part for mounting the action to the harp. They've made an appeal for help on YouTube, but with only 28 subscribers, I don't know if they'll find any help.

So, I'm trying to amplify their request by sharing it in online communities I belong to that I know contain musical and technically knowledgeable people.

So, maybe you work on pianos, or know somebody who does. Either way, what they're doing is fascinating to watch and I highly recommend following their efforts.

Thanks folks