Aria 1720 Restoration

Bringing your older offset back to life.
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Aria 1720 Restoration

Post by surfin_bird » Thu Sep 12, 2024 1:24 am

Hi all,

I really missed a bass in my set up. And I really wanted a bass that would fit into surf/garage/shoegaze vibe I tend to play.
Additionally I wanted something light and short scale to counterbalance the 68 precision that I try to restore.

My ideal cheap 60's shortscale would be a hiflier bass so I put up some alerts and have been looking around for the past 2 years, I unfortunately missed out on a few deals. Until last week when I found a hiflier bass for 25,- euro's which was reserved by the seller. I kindly send a message letting them know the bass itself is worth quite a bit more than 25,- euro's and they were so happy with the message that they let me buy it for 75 euro's. ;D

So the bass is in a semi bad state. It hasn't been played by the current owner, who got it from someone with a bunch of gear incl. another bass.

It had a good layer of grime, rust and mouse Jimmy in the cavities. So after a deep clean with steelwool and kitchen grease cleaner it's looking better again.
I sprayed the switch which made the neck pickup work again and I have good hopes I'll get the electronics completely cleaned out and working again.

But now I need your help finding some replacement parts

The biggest issue is minor but important, the tuner bushings are missing on 3 tuners. The matsumoku size seems not standard and I have a hard time finding replacements, does anybody have the golden solution? Otherwise I'm afraid I need to get some gotoh tuners.

besides that I need to do something with the neck pickup. I got screwed down to the body so I need to find out if the screw holes got enlarged, what size they are and order something that works with what I have.

The nut broke so I need to get a new one. But the Goldo ones seem to fit and are cheap

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Re: Aria 1720 Restoration

Post by beauzooka » Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:18 am

pics please!

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Re: Aria 1720 Restoration

Post by surfin_bird » Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:01 pm

Bit unflattering quick pics I took, but I guess that does the job while I clean my guitarroom between changing diapers and work.

The difference between the maple and the mahogany on both necks is bizar



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