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Is it wise to open up an old single line kluson deluxe tuner ?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:27 am
by NoFi
The low E tuner on my 64 jag neck has a "hard" spot each time i turn it. I dont know if it's wear, dirt, rust, if the shaft is bent or something...
I could easily live with it but if there is a simple way of fixing it, i'd like to try.
Any ideas ?
I'm a bit afraid of damaging the metal when trying to take away the back cover, and not being able to close it back tight... i've got the impression the back cover holds everything together.

Re: Is it wise to open up an old single line kluson deluxe tuner ?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:43 am
by mezcalhead
Ask fullerplast .. his favourite JM has a repro tuner because he tried to dismantle the original, snapped the tabs off and couldn't get it back together.

I'm sure it can be done, but you risk damaging the outer case irretrievably.

Re: Is it wise to open up an old single line kluson deluxe tuner ?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:57 am
by fullerplast
I've had about a 50/50 success rate. Those two tabs that hold the case on are crimped really tight, and break VERY easily when straightened out. And they are difficult to re-crimp tightly. I've been able to get some undone and reassembled... but have broken just as many.  Maybe heating them or something would work?

The back holds the shaft and knob assembly in place. The actual post that the string goes to is held onto the plate by the gear... which is pressed on and held in place by some flattened metal... like a rivet once smashed. It won't come off if the back is removed.

I would try soaking it in a solvent whole, then rinsing it well and relubing by injecting grease (or thick machine oil) into the little oil hole, the one that makes the O in KLUSON. That would probably work and be much less intrusive than trying to disassemble the tuner.

Hope this helps...

Re: Is it wise to open up an old single line kluson deluxe tuner ?

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:28 pm
by Aug
My vote:  If you can live with it...leave it.

Re: Is it wise to open up an old single line kluson deluxe tuner ?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:14 am
by NoFi
Sure it helps, thanks !
I definitely  WONT open it, I'll try the cleaning/greasing method. :)