I'm back... 56 Les Paul Custom

For guitars of the straight waisted variety (or reverse offset).
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Re: I'm back...

Post by welshywelsh » Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:29 pm

Yeah seconded, don't part ways just because you won't gig it.

My '59 doesn't leave the house, but I'd never sell it and it gets itself used on recordings. I do have a sentimental attachment (plus it's a really good one) which helps I guess. If you don't build up that for this and the money will help with life, then that's a different consideration.

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Re: I'm back...

Post by Surfysonic » Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:49 pm

JSett wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:56 pm
I definitely feel weird having this guitar. Having something of this value is unnerving to say the least.

I'm in a massive quandary and torn between my options. I'll never take it out to gig with...should that be a deciding factor? It has to be a home-only instrument as the chances of theft or headstock removal is too high in the toilet circuit venues I frequent. The money would be handy too - what with work being slow at the moment and lots of upcoming expenses. It also doesn't help that I've had several serious purchase offers.

I've given myself until 1st March to have a plan. A clear month from purchase. Maybe it should be longer.

I do love it, and it plays and sounds amazing. But I enjoy my guitars most when I'm playing with people.

Decisions, decisions
FWIW, I enjoyed having my vintage instruments and will always be happy that I had the experience to own and play them. That said, I was never comfortable with the idea of taking them outside of the home to play out. When I sold my '63 Jazzmaster (to relieve the old high gear debt) some years back, I definitely had some regret about letting it go. Moving on three Mustangs ('65, '66, and another '66) and a '62 Jaguar wasn't as difficult as two of those Mustangs and the '62 Jaguar are owned by Embenny (Mike) so I'm happy they're with a friend.

Sometime last year, I had briefly put up my '63 Jaguar to help cover enormous vet bill costs for one of our dogs. We ended up taking out a bank loan to cover those costs and I was able to hang on to the Jaguar. At that time, I was definitely not ready to let it go (but of course, I would have for my dog, no hesitation.) Since then, I've had time to get used to the idea that I'm going to have to move it on at some point.

Then there were a few factors that made the recent decision to put it up for sale again. Your gear minimalization thought process post, my joy of noiseless/hum-cancelling single coil pickups (Kinman, Fralin, Brandonwound), and as usual, the idea of wiping out my PayPal debt completely.

First factor - in total, I have 27 guitars (not including 4 bass guitars). I've come to the point that not enough of them get played and I don't know if it's option paralysis but it's like I can't see the trees because of the forest. I want to downsize significantly and really enjoy and appreciate the keepers. If I'm lucky, I'll get down to 20 guitars initially, then 10, then 5...then maybe even just one some day.

Second factor - of the 18 Fender (& Squier) guitars, 9 of them are equipped with noiseless pickups with another 4 or 5 guitars getting noiseless pickups soon. I'm selling off some Fenders and Squiers because I don't play them enough and I don't have plans to replace their stock or current pickups. The big Kinman thread was a huge part of influencing this decision but I do actually like my Fralin and Brandonwound pickups, too. Honestly, this noiseless pickups journey has freed me from my vintage guitar obsession/addiction. I'd rather keep a vintage guitar as much as original as possible. So for me, the switch to noiseless pickups has freed me. I'll always appreciate vintage guitars but I won't miss that underlying stress.

Third factor - I can knock out my current gear debt. I have no plans to add further debt but to sell some existing gear to fund things I may want at some point - we're talking mostly noiseless pickup upgrades and such.

I just sold the '63 Jaguar yesterday and I was totally at peace with the idea. I've had it since 2018, greatly enjoyed my time with it, and now I've shipped it out today to a nice fellow who can continue the '63 Jaguar's adventure. As well, I'm honestly a bit relieved. For me, there is an underlying stress with owning expensive/vintage gear. Now I have to come up with a new OSG avatar photo... :whistle:

Forgive me for repeating what I've written elsewhere but...I hit 60 last November so the thought of unexpectedly dropping dead and leaving my wife to deal with a bunch of gear is something I dread burdening her with. Of course, I've made some provisional arrangements for what she's to do with the gear if I pass unexpectedly before I can move most (if not all) the gear. Now that all of the vintage guitars are gone, that's a bit less to burden her with. Now, I have to focus on downsizing the vintage amps. I do hope to enjoy some guitars for another 20-30 years but it's my hope that I'll be down to only a handful of guitars by then.

I feel for ya, Johnny. I understand to an extent what you're going through. At the end of the day, we're only here for a finite amount of time and as much as I wish I could, I can't take the gear with me. Enjoy the guitar while you can but don't regret moving it on if it helps the needs of your family if there are some great offers there. Who knows, you might get lucky and find something down the road that is just as or even cooler. You got a knack for it, for sure! 8)
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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:31 pm

marqueemoon wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:24 pm
To me the #1 reason to sell a piece of gear is if it doesn’t float yer boat.
Oh, it definitely floats it. That's without question.
Surfysonic wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:49 pm
Forgive me for repeating what I've written elsewhere but...I hit 60 last November so the thought of unexpectedly dropping dead and leaving my wife to deal with a bunch of gear is something I dread burdening her with. Of course, I've made some provisional arrangements for what she's to do with the gear if I pass unexpectedly before I can move most (if not all) the gear. Now that all of the vintage guitars are gone, that's a bit less to burden her with. Now, I have to focus on downsizing the vintage amps. I do hope to enjoy some guitars for another 20-30 years but it's my hope that I'll be down to only a handful of guitars by then.

I feel for ya, Johnny. I understand to an extent what you're going through. At the end of the day, we're only here for a finite amount of time and as much as I wish I could, I can't take the gear with me. Enjoy the guitar while you can but don't regret moving it on if it helps the needs of your family if there are some great offers there. Who knows, you might get lucky and find something down the road that is just as or even cooler. You got a knack for it, for sure! 8)
Semi-relatable. I am acutely aware that I am getting older (42 this year) and have a very small pension pot, and no solid investments. After going self-employed 5 years ago I stopped regular contributions and haven't really thought about what to do with it in the interim. I would actually like to retire at some point and will need something to survive with. Pretty old guitars do not a home heat (well, they might for about an hour :D ) and at some point we'll need to start legitimately saving for our old age.

Also, I'm guessing the band might last another year or two before someone moves away, gets bored or life gets too complicated. At that point the 'but I won't gig with it' will be the case for all of the guitars. When it gets to that stage it'll probably be nice to have the "nice things".

I am also aware I've had this existential-guitar-crisis before on here, and it definitely coincides with quiet part of the year (work wise) for me :D
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Re: I'm back...

Post by GreenKnee » Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:23 am

It's a big call, but I think your original plan of slowly collecting all the parts to fully restore it is the best course of action.
Whilst you get everything together you can enjoy what is, to most of us, a unicorn of a guitar and then move it on for the most money when you feel you have/want to.

In the meantime play the hell out of it, record those sweet sounds, and most importantly share as many photos as you can ;D

Plus, later in the year I'd love to get down to you for that tattoo and maybe I can have a go on the Les Paul :whistle:

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:20 am

GreenKnee wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:23 am
most importantly share as many photos as you can ;D
Like this?

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JamesSGBrown » Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:22 am

Here's a question, Johnny- after all the INCREDIBLE stuff you've had, kept, sold, traded etc...

...is there still anything you're desperate to get yr hands on that hasn't passed through at some point? Cos from my angle... you've completed the game lol

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:08 am

JamesSGBrown wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:22 am
Here's a question, Johnny- after all the INCREDIBLE stuff you've had, kept, sold, traded etc...

...is there still anything you're desperate to get yr hands on that hasn't passed through at some point? Cos from my angle... you've completed the game lol
There's always more things :D :D

Jokes aside, I'd very much like a beat 66/67 OTM Jazzmaster, but I'd probably have the same crisis as Im having now, and have had before. And I've recently moved away from the JM pickup sound a lot in favour of a Tele bridge sound. I keep asking Pat if I can buy the FrankenTele back hahaha.

But really, no. Truthfully, it's just different things that float my boat depending on the day. There's actually a lot of things I regret selling in the last 5 years.
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Re: I'm back...

Post by welshywelsh » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:21 am

JSett wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:08 am
Jokes aside, I'd very much like a beat 66/67 OTM Jazzmaster, but I'd probably have the same crisis as Im having now, and have had before.
Could you not do the work to the LP for the experience, sell for top dollar, buy a 66/67 Jazzmaster so beaten you wouldn't have to massively worry, use the leftover cash for life stuff and gig the Tele because you prefer the sound anyway?

And sell me your silver Jazzmaster because you won't need it anymore.

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:33 am

welshywelsh wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:21 am
Could you not do the work to the LP for the experience, sell for top dollar, buy a 66/67 Jazzmaster so beaten you wouldn't have to massively worry, use the leftover cash for life stuff and gig the Tele because you prefer the sound anyway?

And sell me your silver Jazzmaster because you won't need it anymore.
I can do the electronics stuff but I sure as hell am not going to attempt a restoration on the headstock. That's a very specialist thing and I'd need to source the serial stamps/ink/etc as well - which aren't just regular things you can go buy. I'd 100% fuck it up too.

That silver JM is going to my grave with me. It may bot sound the best out of my guitars, but it's still my favourite to play.
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Re: I'm back...

Post by cestlamort » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:46 am

Congratulations. What an amazing find.

You're only going to have this guitar once, so I'd suggest enjoying it ... until you don't enjoy it anymore.

I usually give myself a month (or two) as a try-out window to see if something sticks (having noticed that things I love in week 1-2 often end up in a corner by week 4), and unless there's a pressing economic reason (rent, guitar bubble about to burst), I'd hold onto it for a few cycles.

I wouldn't worry about having something too nice to play out. However rare and valuable, this is still a £3,400 (or whatever you paid) guitar until you decide to sell it (not counting insuring it, which I'd say is wise), and that's probably fine as a stay at home guitar.

Tangentially: I've started seeing my relationships to guitars as caretaker more than owner, partially as I'm starting to hit big anniversaries of a couple ones that I bought in the 90s. (Example: that 1978 Rickenbacker 4001 I got in 1994... I'm now responsible for 2/3 of its existence. The 1965 Starfire III I got the next year? About the half-way point. The 1964 Jaguar I got seven or so years ago? Eh, I'm just a blip in its timeline.)

You hit the jackpot, so enjoy it. Keep it until you don't want it anymore (for whatever reason). I'd also echo a sentiment above that I'd kick something back to the seller if there's a huge windfall when you do sell. (Or, alternately, sell the guitar and use the funds to buy everything in his flat and then flip what you don't want. Then sell all that to try to buy back the Les Paul).

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:55 am

cestlamort wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:46 am

Yeah, it's insured now at a cost of an extra £120/year on my home contents policy. No big disaster and that also increased my cover across the board which is something id considered anyway.

It owes me about 3k now if I include the lost days work going to get it, petrol, buying a case, etc. not bad in the slightest - and I fully intend to give the seller the difference in what I paid vs pre-haggle price. That is something of importance to me and something weighing on my mind a little.

Really, the serial restoration is the primary thing and that just needs me to find the time to drop it to Yuuki @ PGV and then get it again afterwards.
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Re: I'm back...

Post by welshywelsh » Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:01 am

JSett wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:33 am
welshywelsh wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:21 am
Could you not do the work to the LP for the experience, sell for top dollar, buy a 66/67 Jazzmaster so beaten you wouldn't have to massively worry, use the leftover cash for life stuff and gig the Tele because you prefer the sound anyway?

And sell me your silver Jazzmaster because you won't need it anymore.
I can do the electronics stuff but I sure as hell am not going to attempt a restoration on the headstock. That's a very specialist thing and I'd need to source the serial stamps/ink/etc as well - which aren't just regular things you can go buy. I'd 100% fuck it up too.

That silver JM is going to my grave with me. It may bot sound the best out of my guitars, but it's still my favourite to play.
Oh I didn't mean do all the work yourself, just the generic "you" ;D

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:24 am

Slight update, but a painful one. It's time to start gathering replacement '56 parts for this to get it back 'to spec' as best as possible. I'm sure you can all imagine but, well fuck, 50's Gibson parts are expensive. It's a world of Dentists and Lawyers that I'm not used to competing with :D

So, this is what £1055.71 buys you after a LOT of haggling...


Still to source is a 54-57 P90 and cover and a switch tip. Those are also hellishly expensive when they are available. I think a pickup is likely to set me back about another £6-800. I had to buy a separate switch as, because it's a Custom, it needs to be gold :fp:

That aside, I'm keeping a running tab on this and so far it owes me £3935

The serial erasure issue is being sorted soon when I can drive to drop it off (it's a 6hr round trip), that's actually very reasonably priced at £175-200 to do, plus the £100 or so I'll end up spending on fuel for the 2 journeys (there and back twice).

The aim is to get this all in under, or close to, £5k
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Re: I'm back...

Post by F15hface » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:57 am

Stripy capacitor toan is well worth £1055.71 of anyone’s money, it’s not the dentists fault so few people can appreciate that.

I give it three months until you start listening to Joe Bonamassa, sell your rats, and wear only suits with your top three shirt buttons undone.

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Re: I'm back...

Post by JSett » Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:32 am

F15hface wrote:
Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:57 am
Stripy capacitor toan is well worth £1055.71 of anyone’s money, it’s not the dentists fault so few people can appreciate that.

I give it three months until you start listening to Joe Bonamassa, sell your rats, and wear only suits with your top three shirt buttons undone.
I can barely be bothered to install them as it sounds and plays fine, but I know it's for the greater good.

I'll never sell all my rats. They're going in my grave :D
Silly Rabbit, don't you know scooped mids are for kids?

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