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Re: How do you feel about Nashville Tuning? (Poll)

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:46 am
by ThePearDream
I have a 3/4 size Duo-Sonic, that's been set up in NT since I built it. That guitar happens to be for sale, but I don't really want to see it go, and nobody has taken interest in it anyway, so I'm happy to keep it. I agree with Zork about it being "somehow more inspiring". It gets played fairly regularly and it's in my normal rotation of guitars. I liked it enough, that I sold the custom XII I had. I even have a set of Fender XII templates and have made some nice XII bodies for Copaceticcustoms, but am more than happy with my NT Duo for my personal use.

Just strumming basic chords is great, but it's also fun to noodle around up on the high frets.

Oh, and of course, tuning it is a lot easier.