I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

For guitars of the straight waisted variety (or reverse offset).

Telecaster shootout: Which one should I sell?

James Trussart Steelcaster
1975 Fender Telecaster
Total votes: 49

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by JSett » Tue Mar 26, 2024 8:51 am

Crazyzeke took a 14 year break from posting here and the tone has changed a lot. If you look back far enough there was a lot of 'she' and 'her' on posts about guitars. Also, a lot more language that would be problematic now (the R word, for instance, was relatively frequent if I remember correctly).

Don't judge too harshly if he didn't know that things had shifted in his absence.

But yeah, Zeke, we don't do that around here anymore.
Silly Rabbit, don't you know scooped mids are for kids?

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by crazyzeke » Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:20 pm

๐Ÿ˜‚ everyone lighten up please, all of that was clearly delivered tongue-in-cheek, I don't genuinely think like that. It's riffing on that trope isn't it. Apologies if anyone is offended. I believe guitars (and cars) are feminine but all the rest of that, like I said, it's humour.

JSett I appreciate the tone of your response, that's the most balanced.
2003 CIJ Fender Jaguar, sunburst (SJAG-3n neck, SHR-1b bridge, 500K lead circuit pots/speed knobs, Mastery bridge, Buzz Stop, Squier JM JM vibrato plate, modified whammy bar)

2022 MIM Fender Meteora, cosmic jade (top mounted input jack added)

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by MattK » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:30 pm

It's about people feeling welcome - if a woman shows up to talk about guitars and finds people talking about "women" as if they were some kind of product or collection of attributes, well why would they bother. It's as much effort as I can muster to point out the screamingly obvious crappiness of your post, and if I'm that weary of it as a man, I can't imagine having the energy to deal with it every single day. There's no need to do it, it's not funny or insightful or original, and it alienates women and people tired of sexism from a discussion board which has collapsed into a boring sausage fest for the most part. Much appreciation to Telliot for stepping up, last time I pinged this kind of bullshit on TDPRI I was told to lighten up and get over it.
Just so we're clear, responding to someone calling out your sexism by telling them to lighten up is a total dick move, and you want to have a think about why you need the right to express crappy attitudes unchallenged.
I'm out of this discussion now and will have a think about whether I'm getting anything from OSG these days anyway. Thanks again Telliot for helping.

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by crazyzeke » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:55 am

MattK wrote: โ†‘
Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:30 pm
Just so we're clear, responding to someone calling out your sexism by telling them to lighten up is a total dick move, and you want to have a think about why you need the right to express crappy attitudes unchallenged.

To be fair, you're glossing over the fact I politely explained it was humour - bad taste to some sure, I saw that when I re-read it and so I apologised. I'm willing to explain this more, so consider what I'm writing next an extension of that.

A 'dick move" would have been doubling down on my position and insulting everyone, which I didn't do. So I think you're a bit out of line saying that and saying I'm sexist - the joke might have been considered such, but it's unfair to assume the person saying it is bud, that's a step too far. Calling out that kind of behaviour, sure, I get it, but if you really lean into chastising someone for it the end result can sometimes be they act even worse just to wind up those they've offended more. I mean, I won't, which is why I'm bothering to write this civil response, but a lot of people would, and really it's not something you want to encourage especially when someone has apologised and had a "point taken" kind of moment.

To come at it another way, I'd like to think in this hypothetical situation, if a woman with any sense turned up and read that she wouldn't suddenly think everyone was like that, just the idiot saying it, so in that case me. Also, in my experience women tend to be a lot better than men at forgiveness as well, so again if someone said something in bad taste and apologised, being not the sort of person to usually say anything like that, most would accept it and move on. As in they would be smart enough to not tar everyone with the same brush, so to be honest ironically you're selling women a bit short there I find.

Perhaps you should have asked why I consider guitars, cars (and a few other things actually) feminine even though my first language is English and obviously it doesn't usually do masculine and feminine pronouns for inanimate objects. The answer would probably surprise you!

MattK wrote: โ†‘
Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:30 pm
people tired of sexism from a discussion board which has collapsed into a boring sausage fest for the most part

Wait, are you saying that OSG is like that? I hope not because nothing I've seen in the past few days suggests it is, if so. Quite the opposite in fact. Saying something is a "boring sausage fest", let's remember, is insulting because you're implying a larger percentage of men is boring, and it would only be interesting with more women. I mean, I see your point, but there's better ways to say it.
2003 CIJ Fender Jaguar, sunburst (SJAG-3n neck, SHR-1b bridge, 500K lead circuit pots/speed knobs, Mastery bridge, Buzz Stop, Squier JM JM vibrato plate, modified whammy bar)

2022 MIM Fender Meteora, cosmic jade (top mounted input jack added)

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by JSett » Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:10 am

Probably best everyone just walks away from this I think. Seems nothing more than a misplaced joke gone wrong, no need for anyone to get too het up about it.

This forum is full of different people, with different outlooks, different personalities, from different countries and cultures...not everything is going to perfectly sync up all the time.

Silly Rabbit, don't you know scooped mids are for kids?

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Re: I need to sell one of my Telecasters, help me decide!

Post by Kinx » Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:30 am

JSett wrote: โ†‘
Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:10 am
Probably best everyone just walks away from this I think. Seems nothing more than a misplaced joke gone wrong, no need for anyone to get too het up about it.

This forum is full of different people, with different outlooks, different personalities, from different countries and cultures...not everything is going to perfectly sync up all the time.

TELECASTERS, indeed! I'm listening to the first working mix of a song I recorded last week with the newly acquired '78, aka the brownest guitar in the known universe, and unsurprisingly, I like it. What I really appreciate about Telecasters from all eras is their consistency as a guitar. I have to really, really think hard to remember having a bad experience with any Tele. I've gone through like 10 Telecasters myself (mostly late CBS models, because I have a weird fetish about them), but I had a great standard mexican one, and the Trussart is just great (if you exclude the "boomer in leather pants" vibe). All of the Classic Vibe 50s guitars that were hanging in the store I was working in for a couple of months were great. Leo Fender just got it right the first time; the construction and concepts are almost impossible to beat. My point is you can hardly go wrong with any Tele. Many people really dislike the CBS era, especially on TDPRI (that page is hard to process for many reasons) and other "tele specialized" forums, but I've had like 6 of these in my possession already, and there wasn't a single bad one amongst them. They were all great; I just disliked really minor details about each of them.

The funny thing is that most of the time I do a session, I almost always gravitate back to my '72 JM for single-coil sounds (78 JM comes a close second). I always feel a bit... stupid for buying and selling so much gear all the time when THE guitar to play has always been there. On the other hand, it is more fun to have a guitar delivered to my home and try it out in a live/studio setting than go around shops all the time (never mind that there are like two good shops in Prague).
Check out my band, The Atavists ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG-HZtrljMg

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