Re: your effects setup?

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by lamp » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:10 am

Added a simple patch bay for easy guitar/amp in/out:

And the AMT EX-50 arrived for the SY-1 giving me room to put my delay on the board - happy days!

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by spacelordmother » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:18 am

Interested in your experience with how the AMT works out for you. I have been very tempted to get mini expression and volume pedals, but have been unsure about the feel and range of sweep vs my trusty Moog ep3 and EB VP Jr.

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by lamp » Sat Oct 03, 2020 4:23 am

spacelordmother wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:18 am
Interested in your experience with how the AMT works out for you. I have been very tempted to get mini expression and volume pedals, but have been unsure about the feel and range of sweep vs my trusty Moog ep3 and EB VP Jr.
Yeah it's an interesting one, as it's certainly different. I was previously using the MI Audio expression pedal, the change was purely for space saving. The full size pedal was definitely more controllable, and I liked having a knob to set what "minimum" was, but not a deal breaker for me with the AMT.
I'm liking the AMT, at least it does what I need it to. It's not as easy to subtly adjust it I guess, but I'm usually a toe down or heel down kind of guy, not a huge amount of in between other than the smooth transition between the two. I'd say for expression it works well and well worth the change to fit an extra pedal on my board. I'd probably hesitate with a volume pedal, the extra control you get from a full size pedal there is probably needed.

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by spacelordmother » Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:40 am

Smooth transition (swells) is all I'm after so maybe it would work for me. Hrmmm

Here's my current board:


Guitar > Sound Saw > Feedback Looper (2x freeze pedals in loop) > Magnus Modulus > Axoloti (custom vibrato/trem/reverb patch) > PS3 > SMMH > Mini. Expression pedal runs into the PS3 -- I modded it to route expression to the time knob in all modes. Gets great random skippy glitches in the delay modes.

This typically runs into a Yamaha THR10 out into my mixer. There's also a Pladask Fabrikat and EQD Avalanche Run on the desk hooked up to the mixer sends. I also to a lot of sampling/resampling/looping with Monome Norns.

It's been like this for awhile so I'm getting a little itchy to make some changes. Not sure what though. :D

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by Shadoweclipse13 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:12 pm

Shadoweclipse13 wrote:
Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:53 pm
First impressions of the Pitch Fork Plus are that it's got a bit more of a learning curve than I'm used to, so I'm gonna be sitting down with a manual for a little bit. It came with some presets built-in, a couple are pretty good (like the de-tune chorus sound from the POG2!!!!), but a couple are kind of cheesy. I will probably get rid of the factory presets for the ones I dislike, and only have a few. Basically, I really only want POG type sounds, but I figure that the Pitch Fork can do SO much more, so it was a good pick. Tracking is excellent so far too!
So, I've been playing it a bit more, and I don't like it. The controls aren't very intuitive beyond changing the pitch up or down. And the more I realize it, the octaves aren't very natural-sounding, but kinda cheesy. Almost like they were intending to be synth-like. Also, I realized after trying a bunch that I'm only interested in octaves up or down, not the intervals in between. So, I'm sending it back and getting the new BOSS OC-5 instead. I like it's simpler interface and controls.
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Re: your effects setup?

Post by Shadoweclipse13 » Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:29 pm

My view from my own little amp-town Friday afternoon. Running the '65 PRRI as the wet amp, and the Marshall Origin 20C as the dry amp. Sounded glorious. I tried to use my looper to split the signal and run both the PRRI and the Marshall as wet amps and my Delta Blues as the dry, but my looper has completely separate signal paths, i.e. left/mono input goes ONLY to left/mono output, right input ONLY to right output. I don't have any stereo pedals, so if I want to have the option to do wet-dry-wet, then I'll need another splitter. For the money, I don't know if it's worth it (I'd get another Lehle P-Split), but we will see.

Another shot of the amps. The Ampeg B15 is creeping on the right.

New signal: [Guitar] > tuner > Greer Amps Lamplighter > EQD Afterneath > EQD Grand Orbiter > CB Naga Viper > BOSS LS-2 (IdiotBox Power Drive > Magnetic Effects Lonely Robot > EQD Westwood > EQD The Dunes) > EQD Hummingbird > Caroline Parabola > Lehle P-Split (isolated output to [Marshall Origin 20C]) > BOSS LS-2 (CB Echorec > Caroline Kilobyte > EQD Space Spiral) > Caroline Meteore > EHX 720 Looper > [Fender '65 PRRI]. (Not shown: Lehle mono volume pedal between Caroline Parabola and Lehle P-Split, and BOSS OC-5 which hasn't released yet.)

The big change here is the re-addition of my EQD Hummingbird. I was wondering the other day if the Parabola could do speeds fast enough to be almost ring modulation like the Hummingbird can. It can't, at least without the Havoc switch. When I bought the Parabola, I was so impressed that it actually kicked the Hummingbird off my board, which was my favorite pedal up to that point. The Parabola is a REALLY good tremolo, and I love that it can do frequency modulation in addition to amplitude modulation. I didn't want to take the Parabola off my board to put the Hummingbird back, but after realizing that the EHX Pitch Fork Plus wasn't gonna work for me, I thought it would be cool to have the ring modulation sound. Then I remembered how much I LOVED the sound of the Twin Stags tremolo from Dwarfcraft, and wondered if I could get 2 separate tremolos to do that sound. The two together was amazing. I love the idea of having "dueling" tremolos running them at different speeds in series, having 2 tremolos preset at different speeds used separately, one that can do frequency modulation, the other that can do the ring modulation thing, and one that can do momentary stuff (Hummingbird with the Flexi-switching). I don't know why I never thought about having both on my board, but that's a permanent thing from now on. Tremolo is my favorite effect.

The other thing I might mess with is the order of my delays. I usually have my Echorec set for short delays (more staccato stuff, and usually in one of the multi-head modes), my Kilobyte for longer stuff, and the Space Spiral for longer stuff with the modulation engaged. I've been using my Kilobyte for double-tracking short delays, which has been a lot of fun, and I realized that using the Kilobyte for shorter more often than the Echorec is a good idea. I was listening to some demos and tip-and-tricks videos while organizing the upstairs bathroom, and one of the channels I watch quite a bit is Stefan's The Pedal Zone. I started listening to his Tonal Teamwork: Three easy steps to improve your ambient guitar tone video because I absolutely love the sound of ambient guitar, and Stefan's ambient tone is one of my favorites. Seeing how he does his delays/reverbs, I wonder if changing the order might be interesting. I'm thinking: EQD Space Spiral > Caroline Kilobyte > CB Echorec. I want to try that out and see what happens.

Good things are happening in the music area of my basement ;D 8)
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Re: your effects setup?

Post by JONFROMJERSEY » Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:21 pm

My "Big Board" - mostly Carl Martin pedals. I think I have posted it before, but maybe not in its current (hopefully permanent) state.

Also my new "On The Go" board. Simple and competent. Tuner -> JPTR FX Double Jive (A tape saturation-style dual overdrive. I just got it and I love it!) -> NUX Tape Core Deluxe (A cheap and solid delay. No complaints!) . On my desk I have a Strymon Deco (super great sound, lots of functions despite its simple appearance) and a Mooer Radar (highly recommended, especially for the price.)

Both of these boards love my Johnny Marr Jag as well as my P90-equipped Gibson SG.

For amps I use a fairly new Fender Pro Jr IV and an old solid state Vox Pacemaker, 1967 I think.



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Re: your effects setup?

Post by Shadoweclipse13 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:44 am

Small update: I found out that the new BOSS OC-5 finally released and my local shop got a bunch in stock! I sold some wood projects and had a little extra cash, so I went to check it out. I figured that I would like it, but I didn't expect to love that octave pedal that much. This thing is a LOT of fun. The vintage mode is really cool with the glitchy thing if you play more than 1 note and with a 2 octave down knob. The poly is really cool as a general octave pedal and the range knob is really interesting. Plus solid BOSS construction and a sparkly brown finish ;) I've been after an octave pedal for my guitar board and I think this is it for good!!

The other thing I wanted to mention is an idea I had that could be a lot of fun. I upgraded my looper a year or so back (this year? this year feels like its been 3 years long so far) to an EHX 720 looper. It's got stereo inputs/outputs, which is actually a misnomer as they are dual mono inputs/outputs, as there is no crossover between them. Signal input into the left channel has no signal output to the right jacks, and vice versa. I just ordered another passive splitter (Lehle P-Split III) so I can do wet-dry-wet (or wet-dry and a DI output for recording purposes). So I started thinking...

I always thought it was kind of neat hearing how bands with two (or more) guitar parts will record one instrumental part panned left, and the other panned right. I will likely physically arrange my amps as facing each other but against 3 separate walls facing towards the center where I'm standing when I'm playing, the wet amps on my left and right, and the dry amp in front of me. Since the looper has separate inputs/outputs with no crossover, how fun would it be to be able to loop different parts to left and right independently? The looper should be able to handle the job, but I would need to be able to mute the inputs/outputs for each channel to record one part on one side of the looper, and a different part on another. Basically, I need to build a 2 loop FX loop with 1 loop having a send and return into and out of the left side of the looper, and a second loop with a send and return into and out of the right side of the looper. It would be an easy build, though I'm thinking about doing it with relay-based switching...

Anyone ever screw with muting loops/amps like that?
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Re: your effects setup?

Post by gishuk » Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:25 am

Apologies for the horrendous state of the wiring on my board!

Made a few changes that I'm happy with since I last posted it. Got rid of the J.Rad Tranquilizer, could never really get a phaser sound out of it that I liked, and the tremolo side was kind of pointless as I have the Honey Dripper Tremolo which sounds great, and now have tremolo on my amp too.

In have comes a BD-2, don't know why I didn't have one already to be honest as its such a part of the shoegaze sounds I like, and the KatzenKonig, which is certainly noisy but has some amazing sounds, very much enjoying that pedal.


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Re: your effects setup?

Post by marqueemoon » Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:01 pm

Got the Chicago Stompworks Rat on the board. I also switched the Kokoboost to buffered mode so I can patch a passive volume pedal in between Archer and boost with no tone suck.


I'll have to see how this actually works ergonomically. I do have the stock amp footswitch I could use off-board if pedals end up needing some breathing room.

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by stevejamsecono » Sun Nov 22, 2020 1:26 pm

marqueemoon wrote:
Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:01 pm
Got the Chicago Stompworks Rat on the board. I also switched the Kokoboost to buffered mode so I can patch a passive volume pedal in between Archer and boost with no tone suck.


I'll have to see how this actually works ergonomically. I do have the stock amp footswitch I could use off-board if pedals end up needing some breathing room.
Great little setup! I'd actually be interested to hear how you use your gain stages because admittedly I've struggled getting mine *just* right.

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by marqueemoon » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:47 pm

stevejamsecono wrote:
Sun Nov 22, 2020 1:26 pm
marqueemoon wrote:
Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:01 pm
Got the Chicago Stompworks Rat on the board. I also switched the Kokoboost to buffered mode so I can patch a passive volume pedal in between Archer and boost with no tone suck.


I'll have to see how this actually works ergonomically. I do have the stock amp footswitch I could use off-board if pedals end up needing some breathing room.
Great little setup! I'd actually be interested to hear how you use your gain stages because admittedly I've struggled getting mine *just* right.

What do you use when and how?
To some degree this is theoretical since no band practice for a while.

No gain = clean strumming.
Mid side of Kokoboost alone = light breakup
Archer alone = crunchy rhythm
Rat alone = borderline fuzzy or shrill/stabby bridge pickup stuff
Clean side of Kokoboost = clean solos and swells

Adding the clean side of the Kokoboost to Archer or Rat is pretty subtle they way I keep it set. The mid side is a different story. It’s like a laser in combination with any kind of dirt.

Not sure how much I’d use Rat + Archer, but they are kind of the opposite of each other so they work together well enough.

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by parry » Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:22 am

spacelordmother wrote:
Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:40 am
... > Feedback Looper (2x freeze pedals in loop) > ...
THIS ^^^ has got my attention. What happens there? How have you got your Freezies(?) set? Trying to imagine what that sounds like...
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Re: your effects setup?

Post by spacelordmother » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:33 am

parry wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:22 am
spacelordmother wrote:
Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:40 am
... > Feedback Looper (2x freeze pedals in loop) > ...
THIS ^^^ has got my attention. What happens there? How have you got your Freezies(?) set? Trying to imagine what that sounds like...
OH HI. I had the idea before the super ego came out -- that adding an internal feedback loop to a Freeze would let you stack sounds. That may be true but I killed 2 units (both resurrected by EHX for a nominal fee) trying to do the smd soldering required to make it happen. Using a feedback looper was the next best thing. You need to play with the amount of feedback and freeze volume to avoid runaway feedback, but it does work to stack sounds. It also adds some interesting overtones as it's also recapturing the original frozen sound so there is phase and tuning modulation. I think it's awesome! I did end up trying the Super Ego but never really jived with it so stuck with my old faithfuls.

I don't have any clips that you can really tell what's happening, will try to see if I can whip something up. :D

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Re: your effects setup?

Post by Shadoweclipse13 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:59 am

spacelordmother wrote:
Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:33 am
parry wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:22 am
spacelordmother wrote:
Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:40 am
... > Feedback Looper (2x freeze pedals in loop) > ...
THIS ^^^ has got my attention. What happens there? How have you got your Freezies(?) set? Trying to imagine what that sounds like...
OH HI. I had the idea before the super ego came out -- that adding an internal feedback loop to a Freeze would let you stack sounds. That may be true but I killed 2 units (both resurrected by EHX for a nominal fee) trying to do the smd soldering required to make it happen. Using a feedback looper was the next best thing. You need to play with the amount of feedback and freeze volume to avoid runaway feedback, but it does work to stack sounds. It also adds some interesting overtones as it's also recapturing the original frozen sound so there is phase and tuning modulation. I think it's awesome! I did end up trying the Super Ego but never really jived with it so stuck with my old faithfuls.

I don't have any clips that you can really tell what's happening, will try to see if I can whip something up. :D
Add me to the list of people who would love to hear what that sounds like too!!
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