This is a project I started around July 2017. As per topic label, you guess it right: it's a Jag-stang. I wanted to build a Jag-stang.
Not the usual one, nor the "Jag-stang done right" of the famous polaroid mock up, I'm talking about the sonic blue prototype that Cobain used whilst it still was at developing stage.
How this started:
Well, I'm a lefty. This means that finding a production model is as hard as you can get, prices skyrocketted and most important: it doesn't look at all like what I'm after... Hence, let's jump into something unusual.
My goal with this thread is to revive this unicorn of guitar which seems to fascinate people like me and fellow member AcrylicSuperman who'd like to see this thing back to life. (Thanks heaps for sharing your precious findings on the subject.)
Needless to say.. I call out to the entire OSG community collaboration.. if you want to help, you're more than welcome.
I'm going to describe my steps chronologically, so.. bear with me and forgive me for the time it will take to gather all the memos and stuff of these past 2 years.
Specimen in action:

July 2017:
As every new build commands.. we do need a template, interwebz gave us the finger and the only reference i had at that time was this hi-res picture of the production model:

Do you guys see it? You've spot it, right?... Nope? They DO-NOT-LOOK identical, just alike.
For now we're gonna use it as a reference in the drafting board and work our way from/to/out the cardboard tracings:

After some inspection and some comparison with loads of online pictures, I decided that the top one is the alleged prototype and the lower one is the revision for the further fiesta red counterpart. (Bear with me on this for a sec.)

let's overlap'em to see what we get.. (I've already noticed neither of them look anything like the prototype or the production models).. take a look:

Alright, they're made out of cardboard and we can't ask for CAD-level accuracy but.. heck.. the outlines are totally off with each others and do not reflect anything of what has turned into guitar.
Then, ongoing research online provided me this jag-stang tracing:

Yes, this one is off too, the center line is bonkers, the outline is quite there but -trust me on this one- working with it on CAD showed that the neck pocket is off (too long on the neck side).
let's turn this template yellow and add it to the mix:

Bang. Now I can hear you say: "you see? you're blind. The yellow outline almost perfectly matches the red one, you fool!"
Well, it does if you think the cardboard was a reference that surely has found further tweaking when CAD was involved prior to construction of the fiesta red prototype.
BUT.. this overlapping diagram proves one important thing.. the sonic blue cutout DOES NOT match the live action prototype counterpart (the lower waist just below the control plate should have been waaay fatter and rounder)

Being the Jag-stang a Jaguar/Mustang crossover I thought I'd have better luck using a straight mustang pickguard but.. nope:

it doesn't match the production model but it's close:

they look similar with some different nuances but.. none of them flows in harmony with the lower horn shape.
You're still not convinced? Check this out:

This is just the prelude.. then I'll fire up the real CAD forensic prototype re-drawn I'm still working on.
for now I can anticipate this sneak peak. A quick photoshop mockup with an older revision off my CAD:

(Onwards from rev. 7f I've managed to crack the entire lower horn+pickguard+lower waist side of the guitar. The top horn is what I think really needs further work)
Stay tuned.. and don't be shy, I'd like to hear from you guys