Filly-Fuzz wrote:fullerplast in 3............2............1........
I hope I can step in ....
I truly wished people would venture into the library section occasionally ... 29&t=18371
and if one doesn't know an answer for certain... please refrain from posting an answer that is a guess.
Yes ... the 1968/69 exploded fender drawing of the jag (CBS era) did show the low teeth under the high E and B strings ... this is wrong .. why do I say it is wrong? have a look at the pics below ... have a look at any vintage Jag and the overwhelming evidence is that the low teeth are under the Low E and the A strings.
Yes some Jags were made in the 60s with the teeth the other way around.... anything and everything could happen and did happen at Fender in the 60s. I have seen a genuine 60s Jag with one claw the correct direction the other claw the wrong direction.
but for those who don't.... here is empirical evidence...
the cut off (lower teeth) go under the low E and A string.
Why .. the teeth amplified focused the signal... the low E and A did not need as much amplification, som the the teeth were cut/lowered. Anyone who has done second year electro-Mag at university would understand this.
And experimentally Leo would have just said "shit the low E and A are too strong , where are those tin-snip cutters ?"

relaxing alternative to doing actual work ...